Jonathan Daniels

VP Regulatory Law,
Bell Canada

Jonathan Daniels, B.A. (McGill) 1990, J.D. (Toronto) 1994, is Vice President Regulatory Law at Bell. He has worked with Bell in various capacities since 2004.  At Bell he is primarily responsible for all broadcasting and wireline telecommunications regulatory policy issues.  Previously he served as VP Regulatory for Cable & Wireless Caribbean, VP of Regulatory and Carrier Relations for C1 Communications in Toronto, Director of Regulatory for Covad Communications and Director of Regulatory Affairs for Sprint Canada.  After law school, Mr. Daniels articled and was an associate with the law firm Stikeman, Elliott.  In his various roles, Mr. Daniels has appeared before Committees of the House of Commons, the Senate, the CRTC and numerous regulators in the Caribbean.  Mr. Daniels taught telecommunications law at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law and telecommunications market dynamics at Ryerson University.