The Departure/Radiodays North America team thanks all the dedicated volunteers for their contributions to our successful event!

Departure/Radiodays North America
49 Spadina Ave.
Suite 306, Toronto,
ON M5V 2J1

The meeting point for the world of radio, podcasting and audio

In a time of change, Radiodays North America brings the industry together to lead the development as the most innovative and creative initiative in the radio and audio world. The Event & Conference program will take place May 6-8, 2025, as part of the partnership with Departure Conference and Festival at Hotel X, Toronto, Canada.

The purpose of Radiodays North America (RDNA) is to raise the awareness of radio, audio and podcast to inspire innovation and collaboration within the radio and audio industry and to encourage programme development and good radio journalism. RDNA is organized as an annual conference in the spring held in Toronto ON Canada each year.

We aim to produce a radio, podcast and audio conference as the first choice for world class content, providing knowledge, sharing of experiences and enable exciting meetings and networking for all.

The Event & Conference program will take place May 6-8, 2025, as part of the partnership with Departure Conference and Festival at Hotel X, Toronto, Canada.


Peter Niegel General Manager / Head of Programming
Ross Davies Program Manager
Kristen Smith-Campbell Senior Conference Operations Manager
Sponsorship North America Sponsorship
Rosie Smith General Manager / International Sponsorship
Kaye Parker Conference Volunteer Coordinator
Marketing RDNA Marketing
PR Agency Touchwood
Help Desk Help Desk
Beespoke Webmaster
Registration Registration


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